
In 2013, studio Netherrealm , The newly saddled wave of success after the restart Mortal Kombat , I decided to slightly retreat from my cult universe. Ed Bun and colleagues made a truly royal gift to all fans DC comics , Gathering cult heroes and villains in the same arena: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Joker and many others joyfully knocked out of each other Injustice: Gods among us.

Four years later, the time came to plunge into the world of grandiose battles again: on May 19, a sequel enters the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, this time without a subtitle, just Injustice 2.

Credo of red lamps: “There is nothing but rage!"

We are ours, we will build a new world

Injustice 2 will unfold five years after the events of the original. If you missed the first part or forgot the ups and downs of the plot, it's time to catch up. In order not to compete with the canon and untie their hands, the screenwriters of Netherrealm sent the heroes to one of the so -called ElSeworlds, or the other world, parallel reality. DC authors have long been https://sister-site.org/midnight-wins/ used to compose completely incredible stories without harm to the main storyline.

This young lady is definitely going to save someone?

According to Netherrealm, one fine day the Joker disabled Superman, stupefying the scarecrow toxin, after which he laid a nuclear bomb in the middle of the metropolis. As a result, the city was erased from the face of the earth, and a pregnant Lois Lain was one of the victims of the explosion. The crypton, killed by grief, radically reviewed the methods of imposing good and justice: first, in front of Batman's eyes with his bare hands, he literally raised the Joker, and then he decided not to mel – he seized power and became the leader of the new totalitarian regime “Unified Earth” in order to “save” people from the power of people from force ourselves.

In search of a way out of the deplorable situation, the “good” Lex Lutor went to the main universe and asked the “League of Justice” for help. After a lot of battles, Superman Tiran was defeated, detained, and, it would seem, a happy end came.

However, the heroes decided to stay away to help restore the world split into pieces. In five years they have achieved a lot, but the problems, according to all the canons of DC Comics, are always returning. The organization that calls itself a “society” has been preparing for the coup all this time – after all, who knows, suddenly new “gods” will be no better than the old ones? And where is that line that separates the hero from the villain?

In this difficult period, the narration of Injustice 2 begins. Judging by the trailers, we are again waiting for an epic single -user campaign with a bunch of spectacular rollers, smoothly flowing into the fights. Of course, "society" is only the top of the iceberg. Players will face many opponents, and gradually, the fate of the planet will be under threat: in pursuit of the last son of Crypton, Braineac himself, the destroyer of the world.

Even more confrontations

The concept of Injustice liked the publishing house so much that it released a separate line of comics based on video games, and the number of numbers in it has long exceeded a hundred. We will tell you about what happened to the heroes after Gods among us.

The main thing is that the suit is sitting

One of the main gameplay innovations injustice 2 is the equipment system. Of course, she will not turn fighting into role -playing action like Diablo , but borrowed a lot from there.

“From now on, players will be able to collect the details of costumes that quite significantly affect the characteristics of the heroes,” said Ed Bun in an interview. – For example, playing for Batman, you can increase the strength of his cuffs if you find, say, special gloves. And put on it a new belt for gadgets, and BES will learn to more effectively use interactive elements of the Arena ".

The weapon can become everything that is not pinned to the floor.

Players will decide what to put on the hero, torso, arms and legs, as well as which additional accessory and two abilities. Some elements of equipment will be reflected even on the properties of specialses. For each character, it will be possible to collect up to five sets and switch between them before the fight.

It is already known that in Injustice 2 there will be a system. For real money, players will be offered the premium currency of Source Crystals, you can buy chests with a random set of “cosmetics”, skins and so on. Crystals can be spent on transferring the appearance of one object to another and on pumping heroes. But, according to the assurances of the developers, Pay-2-Win will not-there is no advantage in matches for money not to buy.

Bun promises that fans are waiting for a lot of trophies that will fall out after matches. The new equipment will change not only the basic characteristics of the characters (strength, protection, health, etc.), but also the appearance – in an expanded editor it will be possible to “play dolls” for hours, literally in parts collecting Batman, Superman or other “hero of your dreams”.

By and large, the system resembles a significantly expanded analogue from the mobile version of Injustice, released on smartphones. And the studio does not intend to dwell on the achieved. By the number of all kinds of DLC, Fiting promises to overtake all previous Netherrealm Studios projects. Therefore, somewhere in a year we may well wait for some XL edition of Injustice 2.

The more, the more fun

Roster of fighters will expand significantly. Many of them will find themselves on the virtual battlefield for the first time: for example, Cuzina Clark Kent Superl, who has gained considerable popularity after a solo television series, or mercenary Deadshot, who lit up in "Suicide detachment". And thanks to the television chisels "Arrow" , "Flash" And "Legends of tomorrow" From the channel CW A black canary, captain cold, gorilla Grodd and a fiery storm fell on the list of fighters. There is a place for the characters that are not known outside comics – such as swamp creature, blue beetle and atrocitus from the red lamp corps.

Outside comics, a blue beetle appeared only in cartoons.

The cult heroes from the first injustice will also return, albeit not in full force. Netherrealm then demonstrated a very thorough approach to working with the source material, adding not only super popular heroes to the game, but also some of the “hardcore” characters like lobo or synestro that are not familiar to the general public. Of the “old men” in Injustice 2, the “Justice League” remained as part of the upcoming blockbuster, there remained a green arrow and a green lantern, as well as the honorary members of Batman Gallery: Bane, a woman-cat, Joker and Harley Quinn.

We only dream of peace

Injustice 2 can be safely added to the "list of desires", especially taking into account the latest studio projects. The developers from Netherrealm have already proved many times that they not only know how to make excellent fights, but also approach the process with the soul, and they have single campaigns of one of the best in the genre. Minus technical problems, which is most often the versions for the PC (so far, however, are not even announced, but we understand everything!), we are waiting for "all the same", but an order of magnitude better and more.

The fact that the special receptions of the heroes will be as spectacular as in the first part, there is no doubt.

Other screenshots from Injustice 2

One can only hope that "effective managers" WB Games will not turn the game into a carousel from endless DLC and microsyles. Then we are waiting for a lot of hours of superhero joy and disputes in the spirit “who is stronger – Flash or Gorilla Grodd?". So soon we’ll figure it out!